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Early Childhood Education Services

Director of Early Childhood

Jacquelyn Flood Anderson,

318-325-0601, x5011




The role of the Early Childhood Program is to provide a developmentally-appropriate educational experience for all enrolled preschool students – regular education and special education. A well-structured academic program is designed and implemented to improve the readiness skills of students who will enter school the following school year. In addition to the academic program, another important component of the Early Childhood program is parental involvement to encourage parents/guardians to become actively involved in their child’s educational experience from the beginning. The parental involvement component is designed to assist parents/guardians in becoming more knowledgeable of childhood development and appropriate educational strategies that will contribute to each child’s success in the learning process.



  • A well-structured, developmentally-appropriate, curriculum that addresses academic, social-emotional, and physical areas of development using a “hands-on approach,” literacy-rich environment that encourages student learning through discovery and exploration

  • Planned parental involvement activities to enhance student success in achievement

  • Appropriate student assessments to help determine specific student needs for learning

  • Collaborative efforts of professional personnel at both the school level and the district level to assess instructional, social-emotional, and/or physical concerns of students 

  • A full-day program that follows the same daily and yearly schedule of the elementary schools

  • Nutritious lunches and snacks

  • Instructional field trips to enhance learning

  • Access to appropriate technology to enhance the instructional program 

  • Transportation for students who reside in the Monroe City Schools zones


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